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There’s been plenty of scientific debate about whether vaping is safer than tobacco, and whether it may help some people stop smoking. According to a recent Cochrane Review analysis of 78 studies, electronic cigarettes show more success in helping people quit smoking than traditional nicotine-replacement therapies, such as nicotine patches and gums. “The most important…  read on >  read on >

Amidst the recent COVID-19 outbreak in China, scientists are saying it appears no new variants developed. “Given the impact that variants have had on the course of the pandemic, it was important to investigate whether any new ones emerged following the recent changes to China’s COVID-19 prevention and control policies,” said lead author George Gao,…  read on >  read on >

Americans received unprecedented access to health care during the pandemic, including hassle-free public insurance and free tests, treatments and vaccines for COVID-19. Now, they need to prepare for most of that to unwind, experts say. “Essentially, Congress and the administration moved to a model of universal health coverage for COVID vaccines, treatments and tests” during…  read on >  read on >

Many cancer patients who are infected with COVID-19 are left with lingering symptoms. A new study, published Feb. 7 in eLife, found that more than half of cancer patients develop long COVID, and women were especially at risk. “Although cancer patients fall into a higher COVID-19 risk group there is limited data on PASC in…  read on >  read on >

Getting hitched could help middle-aged and older folks get a better handle on their blood sugar, a new study reports. People living with a spouse appeared to be better able to maintain lower blood sugar levels than single folks, according to the findings. This benefit held regardless of the state of their relationship, the researchers…  read on >  read on >