Heart failure can make everyday activities and exercise tough to carry out, but yoga might be a beneficial add-on to standard care. A new study from India finds this ancient practice improves quality of life and cardio functioning. “Our patients observed improvement in systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared to patients who were on…  read on >  read on >

Piercings can be a fun way to express yourself, but they can also cause complications — particularly in areas that aren’t the earlobes — and need proper care. “The first step to caring for your piercing is choosing a qualified piercer,” said Dr. Steven Daveluy, an associate professor and program director at Wayne State Dermatology…  read on >  read on >

When it comes to staying trim, timing may be everything. That’s according to new research that found adults who routinely engaged in moderate-to-vigorous exercise early in the morning were less likely to be overweight or obese than those who worked out later in the day. “For individuals who exercise regularly, their body mass index [BMI]…  read on >  read on >

Bolstering the notion that a strong body equals a strong mind, new research indicates that the more inactive seniors are, the higher their risk for dementia. The finding stems from a look at the onset of dementia among nearly 50,000 Brits. All were at least 60 years old when information about typical daily activity routines…  read on >  read on >

Being fit doesn’t just help your body — it also helps your mind, a new study reports. People in better physical condition appear to have less need for drugs to treat mood disorders, Norwegian researchers have found. “We find that people who are in better shape fill fewer prescriptions for anxiety and depression medications,” said…  read on >  read on >

If mountain biking is your exercise of choice, go for it. A new study finds that the benefits of this sport outweigh the risks, dashing a common view that it’s always dangerous, injury-inducing and meant for thrill seekers. “Mountain biking and hiking are some of the fastest growing recreation activities in the world, so understanding…  read on >  read on >

People can help reduce their odds of developing atrial fibrillation or stroke through one piece of standard medical advice: stay fit. According to a new study in 15,000 people, physical fitness was found to have a lower likelihood of these conditions. The findings will be presented this weekend at the European Society of Cardiology Congress…  read on >  read on >