With many beaches and parks opening in time for Memorial Day, the American Cancer Society is reminding people to practice sun safety. Overexposing yourself to the sun increases your risk for skin cancer, which is the most common cancer in the United States, with almost 5.5 million cases each year. That’s more than breast, colon,…  read on >

Swimming pools in many parts of the United States may reopen soon, and Americans can take comfort in knowing that taking a dip should pose little risk of coronavirus infection. However, there could be risks at indoor pools from crowds, poor air circulation, and contaminated surfaces such as handrails, according to Ernest Blatchley III, a…  read on >

Many people under stay-at-home orders have turned to online yoga as a way to manage the stress. And a new research review suggests they’re onto something. The review, of 19 clinical trials, focused on the benefits of yoga for people with clinical mental health conditions ranging from anxiety disorders to alcohol dependence to schizophrenia. Overall,…  read on >

People suffering from regular migraines despite medication might consider investing in a yoga mat. That’s according to a new trial that tested the effects of a gentle yoga practice — with slow-paced physical postures, breathing exercises and relaxation. Researchers found that people who added the practice to their usual migraine medication suffered about half as…  read on >

It’s good for you to take a run during the coronavirus pandemic — and safe if you take precautions, an expert says. “It’s good to get outside, get moving and get some sanity back in such a crazy time,” said Grace Neurohr, a physical therapist and running specialist at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. Running “can…  read on >

Though most Americans are well aware that protecting themselves from sunburn is important, many don’t take precautions, a new survey finds. Protecting yourself from exposure to sunlight is the best way of preventing skin cancer, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). The results of the AAD survey show that 76% of Americans know…  read on >

Even if you’re stuck at home waiting for the coronavirus all clear, you can still keep a healthy lifestyle. “Prevention is key in limiting the spread of coronavirus, and with more people working remotely or limiting their exposure to crowds, it’s important to maintain healthy habits at home,” said Dr. Eduardo Sanchez, chief medical officer…  read on >

Some people love to run no matter the season, even cold weather, and that is OK as long as you take proper precautions, a physical therapist says. “It’s up to the runner. As long as he or she is healthy, wearing appropriate attire and highly visible, the cold doesn’t have to deter you from being…  read on >