A steady lunch routine of cheeseburgers and fries may shorten your life, but loading your dinner plate with vegetables could do the opposite. Those are among the findings of a new study looking at the potential health effects of not only what people eat, but when. Researchers found that U.S. adults who favored a “Western”…  read on >  read on >

Losing weight is hard, but many weight loss supplements promise to make the journey easy. Unfortunately, there’s little high-quality research to back these claims, a new study shows. Hundreds of weight loss supplements like green tea extract, chitosan, guar gum and conjugated linoleic acid are being hawked by aggressive marketers. And an estimated 34% of…  read on >  read on >

Cost and lack of time are among the reasons parents don’t enroll their kids in swimming lessons, a new survey finds. “Swimming is one of the most important life-saving skills that children and adults should master. Whether for fun or for exercise, swimming will serve them well for the rest of their lives, and it’s…  read on >  read on >

Many older adults are still taking a daily baby aspirin to ward off first-time heart problems — despite guidelines that now discourage it, a new study finds. Researchers found that one-half to 62% of U.S. adults aged 70 and up were using low-dose aspirin to cut their risk of heart disease or stroke. And aspirin…  read on >  read on >

Older adults who use certain blood pressure drugs may retain more of their memory skills as they age, a new study suggests. Researchers found the benefit among older people taking medications that are allowed past the “blood-brain barrier,” which is a border of specialized cells that prevents toxic substances from crossing into the brain. Those…  read on >  read on >

Fish oil supplements are often touted as good for your heart health, but a new study finds they may also help fight depression. “Using a combination of laboratory and patient research, our study has provided exciting new insight into how omega-3 fatty acids bring about anti-inflammatory effects that improve depression,” said lead author Alessandra Borsini,…  read on >  read on >