Kids who tried this game alone were almost 5 times more likely to think of killing themselves, study finds read on >
All Health and Wellness:
U.S. Hospitals Halve Catheter Infection Rates: Review
But many critically ill patients still exposed to deadly bacteria, Consumer Reports researchers say read on >
Poor Sleep Linked to Worsening Kidney Disease
But more shut-eye associated with better kidney function in study read on >
Lifestyle, Stress May Play Role in Heart Rhythm Disorder
Adopting healthy behaviors might lower risk of atrial fibrillation, study suggests read on >
Neighborhoods May Be Key to Teens’ Mental Well-Being
When neighbors look out for others’ kids, children have better emotional health, study finds read on >
Smoking May Hinder Kidney Disease Drugs
To slow organ damage, patients should quit the habit, researchers say read on >
‘Yo-Yo Dieting’ Hard on Older Women’s Hearts: Study
But at least one nutrition expert says it’s too soon to draw conclusions read on >
More U.S. Kids Getting Drug-Resistant Infections
Finding highlights growing problem of antibiotic resistance read on >
Women at Greater Risk Than Men for Zika Infection: Study
In mice, the vagina had a delayed immune response to the virus read on >
Poor Sense of Smell May Signal Alzheimer’s Risk
Testing looks for decreased olfactory sense, combined with thinking, memory troubles read on >