Black people tend to be more vulnerable to suffering severe strokes, but scientists have long struggled to figure out why. Until now: New research suggests it may boil down to having a particular version of a gene involved in clotting. “This could potentially change the entire rubric for how we treat strokes. So it really…  read on >  read on >

The diabetes drug metformin might also benefit older patients after an injury or illness, a small study suggests. Researchers found that metformin — a drug that has been around for more than a half-century to regulate blood sugar — may have a different ability: It can target senescent cells that affect muscle function. These “zombie-like”…  read on >  read on >

When it comes to falling down stairs, young women are more prone to take a tumble than their male counterparts. According to a new study, this is because they are more likely to be distracted or to wear impractical footwear. Going down a staircase while talking or texting on the phone or engaging in other…  read on >  read on >

FRIDAY, July 28, 2023 (American Heart Association News) — Venting – the release of negative, pent-up emotions – can feel good. But is it actually good for you? Or does it do more harm than good to dwell on negative thoughts and feelings? Experts say that depends on a number of factors, including who’s on…  read on >  read on >