Folks taking dietary supplements intended to help their heart health are just wasting their money, a new clinical trial suggests. Six supplements widely promoted as heart-healthy — fish oil, cinnamon, garlic, turmeric, plant sterols and red yeast rice — didn’t do a thing to lower “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol or improve heart health, researchers…  read on >  read on >

Millions of people take daily medication to lower their cholesterol levels and prevent heart attacks, but there hasn’t been a drug that targets a dangerous type of cholesterol in the blood known as lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a). That’s why a new study of an investigational drug called olpasiran, which blocks the production of apolipoprotein(a) — a…  read on >  read on >

People have long talked about having near-death experiences in which they felt they were looking down on themselves while others tried to save them. Now researchers have documented some of those experiences. In a new study, investigators found that about 20% of patients recalled lucid experiences of death that occurred while they were seemingly unconscious…  read on >  read on >

Infants and children sick with RSV are flooding pediatricians’ offices and children’s hospitals across the United States, due to an early surge of the common childhood virus this year. But within one or two “sick seasons,” doctors expect to have on hand long-sought tools to help blunt the impact of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). As…  read on >  read on >

Folks suffering chest pain from clogged arteries appear to have some true flexibility in choosing the medical care that’s right for them, researchers report. That’s because their overall risk of death is about the same whether they choose aggressive surgical treatment or a more conservative approach focused on medication and lifestyle changes, according to seven-year…  read on >  read on >

The antiviral pill Paxlovid not only reduces hospitalization and death after catching COVID-19: New research shows it also cuts the chances of long COVID by roughly 25%. The drug, which combines a newer antiviral called nirmatrelvir with an older medication known as ritonavir, delivered that added bonus to patients, at least the mostly older white…  read on >  read on >

As the daylight hours shrink, people’s moods can wind up in the tank. Rest assured, you’re not alone. It’s the SAD season for those affected by seasonal affective disorder. That’s the depression, fatigue and withdrawal that shorter days and longer nights often bring. “The seasonal mood change can come in different shapes and forms,” said…  read on >  read on >

Adult cancer survivors, particularly those who have undergone chemotherapy, have an increased risk for serious pelvic and vertebral fractures, new research shows. “These findings are important as the number of cancer survivors living in the United States is projected to rise to 26.1 million by 2040. Research like this seeks ways for cancer survivors to…  read on >  read on >