Some children struggle to read or spell because of a condition called dyslexia that is known to run in families. Now, researchers report they have pinpointed a large number of genes responsible for the disorder. “Our findings show that common genetic differences have very similar effects in boys and girls, and that there is a…  read on >  read on >

A finger that “locks” can be a telltale sign of another condition: Diabetes. Researchers suspected that this trigger finger, often in the ring finger or thumb, might indicate diabetes after frequently finding the condition in patients who had or developed diabetes. It’s characterized by thickening of tendons that are used to bend the finger and…  read on >  read on >

Experts studying kids’ sleep and eating habits have learned more about a potential reason for childhood obesity. Kids who are deprived of sleep tend to eat more calories the next day, researchers found. And some of those extra calories come from less-healthy, sugar-laden snacks or treats. “When children lost sleep, overall they ate an extra…  read on >  read on >

These days, you can test yourself for COVID-19, HIV, potential problems in your DNA or even a urinary tract infection while never leaving your home. Researchers set out to find what older folks thought of the tests, whether they use them and how often they reported their results to a physician who could provide care…  read on >  read on >

For many people, it is possible to slow the loss of joint cartilage as they age and avoid surgery to boot. Certain steps can help with that, said one orthopedic surgeon from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., who offered tips for maintaining joint health and also for managing pain in those who are already…  read on >  read on >

Surgery can be a daunting prospect at any age. Now, researchers say they’ve spotted two key factors upping the odds of a poor surgical outcome in seniors. Older adults who are either frail or suffering from dementia have high rates of death in the year following a major procedure, a new U.S. study finds. Researchers…  read on >  read on >

Victims of sexual assault are seeking treatment in U.S. emergency rooms in growing numbers, with University of Michigan (UM) researchers detecting a 15-fold increase between 2006 and 2019. Rapes and other forms of sexual assault occur every 68 seconds in the United States, and their number rose from 93,000 in 2006 to nearly 140,000 in…  read on >  read on >