Expectant moms often try to plan as many aspects of their upcoming delivery as they can. But one thing they might not consider is what type of pain relief they will choose if they need to have a C-section. Now, new research from the University of Texas suggests that while opioids can control pain, a…  read on >

Gun-related deaths among school-age children in the United States are increasing at alarming rates, researchers report. In 2017, gun violence claimed more 5- to 18-year-olds than police officers or active-duty members of the U.S. military, according to a chilling new study led by investigators from Florida Atlantic University. “It is sobering that in 2017, there…  read on >

Ever had a bad spasm from bending down to pick up your child or tie your shoes? Keeping your core muscles — the workhorses that stabilize your spine — flexible with a stretching routine can help prevent this common occurrence and protect your back in general. The Pelvic Tilt targets your lower back and your…  read on >

For people with diabetes, maintaining a healthy diet can be vital to a treatment plan. Reading food labels can help diabetics make the best choices, the Mayo Clinic says. When reading food labels, the clinic suggests: Choose healthy fats, such as olive, canola or peanut oil. Avoid trans and saturated fats. Pick food with 3…  read on >

Postpartum depression is a common and often devastating condition for new mothers, but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday approved the first drug to help combat it. The drug, Zulesso (brexanolone), is delivered via intravenous infusion. “Postpartum depression is a serious condition that, when severe, can be life-threatening,” noted the FDA’s Dr. Tiffany…  read on >

Not all Asian-Americans are equally susceptible to the deadly damage of heart disease and stroke, new research suggests. The risk of premature death is highest among Asian Indian, Filipino and Vietnamese subgroups, the researchers found. For the study, investigators analyzed U.S. death records from 2003 to 2012 to determine average potential years of life lost…  read on >

Would you be able to recognize if you or someone close to you were having a stroke? A stroke is a 911 medical emergency and every second counts for survival. To help you recognize the signs of stroke, the National Stroke Association wants you to remember F-A-S-T, or fast. F stands for “face.” Signs of…  read on >

The jittery, delusional potheads of the old movie “Reefer Madness” have prompted eye rolls and chuckles over the years, but a new study argues that the cult classic might contain a kernel of truth. Smoking pot every day could increase your risk of a psychotic break with reality, particularly if you have access to high-potency…  read on >

Any person can make modest changes to live a healthier life, the American Heart Association (AHA) says. The six tips the AHA suggests are: Control cholesterol. Reduce blood sugar. Get active. Eat better. Lose weight. Stop smoking. Source: HealthDay