Skin-to-skin contact between parents and babies — often called “kangaroo care” — provides major benefits to preemies’ hearts and brains, Australian researchers say. They assessed 40 babies born about 10 weeks early with an average weight of 2.9 pounds. Normal birth weight is 6.6 pounds. One hour a day of kangaroo care significantly improved blood…  read on >

After weeks of confinement to prevent the spread of COVID-19, kids, teens and grownups alike are probably getting on one another’s nerves big time by now. So what’s the secret to defusing bouts of pouting, screaming and crying? Experts suggest parents start with understanding. Children and teens miss the lack of personal connection they’re used…  read on >

Some pregnant women with COVID-19 do become severely ill, and the risk may be elevated for those who were obese or had conditions like asthma before pregnancy, a new study suggests. As with all things COVID-19, researchers have had limited information on whether pregnancy puts women at any greater risk of severe illness — or…  read on >

The more pregnancies losses a woman has, the greater her risk of developing diabetes, a new study suggests. Researchers examined data on nearly 25,000 Danish women who were born between 1957 and 1997 and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes between 1977 to 2017. The women were compared with a control group of nearly 248,000 women…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — All 50 states have started reopening their economies as of Wednesday, more than two months after the new coronavirus first forced America into lockdown. Connecticut will be among the last states to return to business, when its stay-at-home order lifts and stores, museums and offices are allowed to reopen, The New York…  read on >