Leg cramps are a common symptom of pregnancy, often occurring at night. Cramps typically occur only for a short time, but they can be very uncomfortable, the Nemours Foundation says. The Foundation suggests how to ease the pain and reduce the frequency of cramps during pregnancy: Do calf stretches before bed. Make sure not to…  read on >

A cancer scare could increase the chances that you’ll be diligent about recommended screenings in the future, a new study finds. People who got a false-positive result on a breast or prostate cancer screening test were more likely to adhere to screening guidelines for breast cancer and colon cancer going forward, researchers found. False-positive findings…  read on >

Teens who use e-cigarettes may be more likely to try marijuana in the future, especially if they start vaping at a younger age, a new study shows. More than 1 in 4 teenagers who reported e-cigarette use eventually progressed to smoking pot, according to the survey of more than 10,000 teens. That compared with just…  read on >

Following an enormous jump in children’s exposures to toxic liquid nicotine from electronic cigarettes, the rate dropped in just one year, new research reveals. But too many young kids are still being exposed to liquid nicotine, experts say. Among cases that ended up in the emergency department, 93 percent had swallowed the substance. The annual…  read on >

Autism may be detected at an early age by paying attention to your baby’s social and language skills, the American Academy of Pediatrics says. But all children who have autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will not have the same symptoms or severity, the academy notes. Still, the academy says parents should monitor for these…  read on >

Women who have diabetes should take precautions to ensure that both mother and baby stay healthy throughout pregnancy. High maternal blood sugar can harm the developing baby, resulting in birth defects or miscarriage. This is especially true during the first few weeks of pregnancy, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says.…  read on >

Children and teens who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming are more likely to be diagnosed with mental health woes, new research suggests. People who are transgender or gender non-conforming have a gender identity that’s different from the one they were at birth. For some, this may mean a gender identity that’s opposite the sex…  read on >

Juggling classes, jobs and extracurricular activities can lead to big-time burnout in college, but knowing its signs can help savvy students avoid it, one psychologist says. “Burnout is described as feeling apathy and lack of interest toward activities that were previously enjoyable, some amount of work avoidance and less excitement over one’s day-to-day tasks,” said…  read on >

Know what to look for if you suspect your child or teen may be depressed. “In children and adolescents who are depressed, you may notice more irritability and loss of interest rather than just sadness or a depressed mood,” said Kimberly Burkhart, a pediatric psychologist at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. Be alert for 11…  read on >