The American Academy of Pediatrics offers tips for showing kids your love every day read on >
The American Academy of Pediatrics offers tips for showing kids your love every day read on >
Rates of miscarriage higher for those with a previous miscarriage read on >
Nutritionist offers advice on getting children to eat healthier fare read on >
Kids who slept after learning new verbs understood their meaning better 24 hours later, study finds read on >
Average is 1-2 weeks, but study found some kids needed more than 3 weeks to get better read on >
But imaging experts stress that doing so may raise risk for actual breast cancer read on >
Boosting your child’s immune system lets them stay in cold- and flu-fighting shape read on >
It’s possible, but researcher stresses cause-and-effect link not proven read on >
Agency recommends getting inoculated between 9 and 26 years old read on >
Most calories in coffee and tea come from what’s added, researchers say read on >