As extreme heat events become more common, you need to know how to protect your heart. Hot temperatures and high humidity can lead to dehydration, which causes the heart to work harder and puts it at risk, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). Staying hydrated makes it easier for the heart to pump blood…  read on >

Thinking of picking up an electric fan to help keep you cool and protect your health during the next heat wave? You might want to think again. Electric fans might make you feel cooler, but they can actually increase your risk of becoming heat sick and even dying from a heat stroke, the evidence shows.…  read on >

When lightning nears, the best defense is to go indoors, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although your home is safer shelter, you can still be at risk of a lightning-related injury. In fact, one-third of lightning strike injuries occur indoors. To stay safe, the CDC urges: Avoid tap water. Avoid electronic…  read on >

The teen years can be an exciting time as teens become new drivers, and become passengers in their friends’ cars. But every day, six teens are killed in motor vehicle crashes in the United States, says Safe Kids. Often, these accidents can be prevented. Safe Kids encourages parents of new drivers to: Be a good…  read on >

Be careful about what medications you take before you get behind the wheel. Most drugs won’t affect your ability to drive, but some prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can cause side effects that make it unsafe to drive, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns. Those side effects can include: sleepiness/drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, slowed…  read on >

Due to waning vaccination levels in some areas, measles outbreaks are back with a vengeance. But many globe-trotting Americans may not realize the problem is worldwide. Therefore, making sure your measles vaccination is up to date is paramount before jetting off. In fact, U.S. outbreaks of measles “are usually started by foreign travelers importing the…  read on >

Heat-related illness is preventable, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Whether you’re just hanging out or working in the heat, it’s important to know the signs of heat stroke: Body temperature of more than 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Hot, red, dry or damp skin. Headache, dizziness, nausea and confusion. Fast, strong pulse. Loss…  read on >

Sunglasses need to be more than just fashion accessories, an eye expert advises. “Think of sunglasses as sunscreen for your eyes,” said Dr. Dianna Seldomridge, clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. “Your eyes need protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays, just like your skin,” she explained. “Make sure your eyes are protected…  read on >

The heat is on. Across two-thirds of the United States, over 115 million Americans live where some level of heat alert is already in effect, and 290 million will see temperatures soar past 90 degrees at some point in the next week, USA Today reported Wednesday. As a dome of high pressure settles over much…  read on >

During very hot weather, the body’s ability to cool itself down is compromised, says the U.S. National Weather Service. As the body dehydrates, losing important fluids and salts, you or someone you know may develop heat exhaustion. Signs of heat exhaustion include: Heavy sweating and weakness. Cool, pale and clammy skin. Fast, weak pulse. Nausea…  read on >