Millions of women struggle with the discomfort and stress of urinary incontinence, and many turn to medications for help. Now, new research suggests that yoga and other exercise regimens might work just as well to control these bladder issues. Researchers at Stanford University report that 12 weeks of yoga practice cut incontinence episodes among participants…  read on >  read on >

Exercise, whether moderate- or high-intensity, can help ease Parkinson’s symptoms, including fatigue, new research shows. As study lead author Dr. Philip Millar explained, Parkinson’s patients are too often overwhelmed by shame or depression, so they stop going to the gym or exercising. That’s too bad, Millar said, because “if you stop physical activity, your body…  read on >  read on >

Newfangled designs intended to make football helmets more protective have overlooked one key component, a new study suggests. Nearly a third of concussions in pro football involve impacts to the facemask, a part of the helmet that has remained mostly unchanged during the past decade, researchers say. Facemask enhancements could help protect players and minimize…  read on >  read on >

Annoyed that you still have a bit of tummy even though you work out all the time? Exercise actually is helping you develop healthier belly fat tissue, a new study says. That means that even if you don’t obtain six-pack abs, exercise is good for your long-term health, researchers said. “Our findings indicate that in…  read on >  read on >

In exercise bike tests, twentysomethings who’d been vaping for at least two years had much lower exercise capacity than those who didn’t, and the losses were equal to those of folks who’d spent a similar amount of time smoking. The vaping young adults “found it harder to breath, their muscles became more fatigued, and they…  read on >  read on >

Teaching schoolkids to practice mindfulness can boost their mental health — and, maybe, even their grades. That’s the takeaway from a new review of more than three dozen research studies on school-based mindfulness interventions, such as seated or slow-walking meditation.  In a nutshell, these programs teach kids to pay attention to the present moment and…  read on >  read on >

“Rolling stop” laws that let bicyclists treat stop signs as yield signs are not dangerous, a new study demonstrates. Both bike riders and drivers perform safely in intersections once they’ve been informed about how the law works, results from lab experiments involving bicycle and motor vehicle simulators show. “The focus of previous research has been…  read on >  read on >

Participation in youth sports is becoming a “haves” versus “have-nots” situation, a new study shows. Income, education and social class are determining who can play in youth sports leagues, with the children of more privileged families more likely to hit the field or court, researchers reported recently in the journal Leisure/Loisir. “Childhood social class matters…  read on >  read on >