
Homeschooling used to only be used by the children who were future athletes, future Olympians, hippies, fundamentalist Christians who don’t believe in evolution and immorality, and parents who don’t want their kids to leave the home. However, homeschooling began one hundred years ago. Kids have even been placed in juvenile detention centers for the truancy…  read on >


When your child is away at school, you still want to assure yourself that your child is eating a healthy lunch. Since food is essential to proper brain function and focus, you want to make sure your child is eating the right foods as well. Since lunch is a fairly short period of time, you…  read on >


It’s that time of year again—back to school! Are you worried about the school’s bully? Here are some tips to moderate the bullying at school. 1. Encourage open discussions with your child about bullying. You want to make it an open forum so that your child feels comfortable telling you if he got bullied. Let…  read on >


As tired as you are from watching and playing with my child all day, you find it hard to believe that nap time is still a struggle. Why is my kid waking up before I want him to, you might ask yourself? What does your toddler like? He used to take hour-long naps in the…  read on >


Having kids and parenting can be exhausting, and you feel like it will never end. You might feel like everything is out of control and you’re spending your energy trying to stay sane. While routines might sound annoying, keeping a routine going will help you find time for yourself in between and make it easier…  read on >


It is so hard to put your kids into someone else’s hands. So much so, that you often put it off and put off researching an appropriate daycare too. I cannot stress how important it is to do your research though. Just because a building is labeled a “daycare” does not mean it’s an appropriate…  read on >


I will never forget browsing Target’s aisles for paper towels when it hit- the tantrum of all tantrums. My daughter, who was sitting in the cart 30 minutes pre-nap time, decided Target was an appropriate place for a meltdown! While resistance can be a healthy way of your daughter showing you she can assert herself,…  read on >


Stop listening to your mom and your mother-in-law and start listening to yourself. Weigh your options carefully, because once you stop breastfeeding, you can’t go back and change your mind. It is really a personal decision that you should read up on and then make up your mind. Breastfeeding, if you choose to do it,…  read on >


Say goodbye to boring and stereotypical baby showers! When you’re throwing your friend hers, make sure to make it is individually geared right towards her. First of all, jot down a few of your friend’s interests, take note of who she would want to invite- is she the type that would want a coed or…  read on >