Arianna Schioldager is a writer and blogger. She lives in Downtown Los Angeles where the coffee is very expensive. Follow her @larrypotters.

All Sauce from Arianna Schioldager:


I love these sandals. I don’t think I $80 love these sandals, but the light yellow and turquoise (which to me looks more in the aqua color range) are perfect for daily wear to the office, out running errands (with my new jean shorts!), or for a night out in Miami. As the temperature rises,…  read on >


Social media has truly changed the way I read my news. Not just news, but news about the lives of my friends, former friends, acquaintances, ex-boyfriends, etc… Obviously, this can be a dangerous platform and even borderline crazy. No one wants to admit, but there is always someone you stalk, for better or worse. And…  read on >


Do you wish you were in Kentucky watching the horse race? Well you can feel like you’re there with the use of an HD television (or 3D if you’re lucky) and an invitation to the finest party this side of the Mississippi. Plan your own elegant affair to celebrate the day! I, for one, love…  read on >


To be totally honest, men cannot pull off jean shorts very well. “Jorts” are often an awkward length with unusual and unnecessary pockets hanging out. Though a fashion taboo for men, they look adorable on women as long as you find the correct type for your body, figure, and occasion. At, you can find…  read on >


Bright colors are the understatement of the century. Lately, the colors popping up are bright neons. Definitely not for the faint of heart, these are best done in moderation. You don’t want to wind up looking like a raver, so be careful! The best way to wear the bright neons that are out right now…  read on >


I am obsessed with my perfume for a multitude of reasons, but one of my favorite aspects of it is that it’s not made of fillers. LAVANILA LABORATORIES prides themselves on being all natural and eco-friendly. The brand does not perform animal testing or have harsh chemicals. For someone who has a ton of allergies,…  read on >


In addition to bringing a new life into the world that you have to care for, you have to give it a name that will last through its years of life. How the heck do you even go about settling on a name for a baby? Luckily, you have nine months to pick this out……  read on >


Though taco packets are simple to use, it is easy to ignore the labels on them. You think whatever, it’s a powder, who cares. Next time you’re ready to make tacos or burritos, think again though. Flavoring packets are absolutely loaded with sodium! In fact, 1 packet has 1190 milligrams of sodium on average. That…  read on >